Document Type : Original Article


1 Kazan Federal University, Russia

2 University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


The study of the functioning of the language as a means of electronic communication is one of the most relevant areas of linguistics. In this article, based on messages from women's and men's forums of the Russian-speaking Internet, gender representation of the words woman and baba is considered, and the speech characteristics assigned to these words are highlighted as criteria for femininity recorded in Runet. The study of woman and baba lexical items in the language of the forums of the Russian-speaking Internet made it possible to identify and describe the gender criteria of femininity existing in modern linguistic culture, as well as to determine the role and place of these lexemes in the system of gender values of users in a virtual environment. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that the use of women and baba lexical items in a comparative aspect was carried out on the material of Russian-language Internet forums.
