Document Type : Original Article


1 Kazan Federal University, Russia

2 Jilin University of Finance and Economics, China


It is obvious that investigating a text or a poem, regardless of the culture of the period in which the writer or poet lived, is futile. The current study explores the conceptual metaphors formed by culture in the functioning of the autumn word in the works of Russian poetry. The relevance of the work is due to the need for a comprehensive study of those language units that play an essential role in the embodiment of the author’s intention. At the same time, not all words expressing a temporary meaning have received comprehensive coverage in the scientific literature. Among these, lexemes are the word “autumn”. The purpose of the study is to analyze the functioning of the “autumn” lexeme in poetic works of the XX-XXI centuries. Considerable attention is paid to the realization of the creative potential of the temporal lexeme. The material for the study was poetry texts extracted from the “National Corpus of the Russian Language”.
