Document Type : Original Article


Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo, Indonesia‎


This study aims to reveal the utilization of the form of metaphorical meaning in learning interactions at IAIN Palopo. This descriptive qualitative research uses data sources in the form of utterances/interactions in learning that produce data in words and phrases containing the meaning of metaphorical forms obtained through recording instruments. Before analyzing the data, it was first categorized depending on the data features required by the study object. Then, data were analyzed using description, interpretation, and explanation techniques. The results showed that the form of metaphoric language features used in the discourse of learning interactions contained euphemistic meanings, censorship, experiential values, relational values, and expressive values. Each form of metaphorical meaning that is expressed forms the idea of ​​character shape in the form of (1) perseverance/loyalty, (2) generosity/wisdom, (3) caring, (4) inappropriateness, (5) completeness, (6) complexity/ difficulty, (7) reinforcement/motivation, and (8) identity. Thus, metaphors are a representation and formulation of educational, ethical values ​​that are produced in learning interactions.
