Document Type : Original Article


1 Toraighyrov University, Kazakhstan

2 Kemerovo State University, Russia

3 Pavlodar Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan


This study addresses the issue of the human factor in speech production and generating texts concerning the historical preconditions and individual features. It also aims to determine the parameters of personal and textual text generation in Kazakh and English political Internet commentary. Taking the content, form, and function criteria of the secondary text as the classification basis, the authors identified the parameters of text generation within the subjective (personal) and objective (textual) textual activity strategies. To study Internet comments, collect data, and analyze contextual material, the authors utilized comparative, descriptive, and quantitative methods. In so doing, the elements of linguistic-personological and derivational methods of text analysis were implemented. The results showed the index of subjectivity manifesting through associativity, emotionality, and conjecture, while the index of objectivity manifests through keywords and content/form copyability. The study’s novelty is in its attempt to comprehend the dominant textual activity in the generation of political Internet comments in the Kazakh and English virtual space from linguistic-personological and linguocultural viewpoints.
