Document Type : Original Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


This article aims to highlight the ongoing presence of gender-role clichés in popular entertainment by analyzing The Fluffy Movie (2014). This case study attempts to show how mediated forms of humor are important indicators of discourse and culture. To that end, the study focuses on three instances of Fluffy’s supposedly personal accounts where he imitates the Mock Feminine to play the role of the female characters in his performance. The multimodal analysis of both the content and the mode of Iglesias’ performance reveals how ideology is transferred to his audience. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the effects of pernicious content such as comedy on its audiences and to emphasize our failure to keep up with the theoretical advances of feminism in practice. The analyses show that Fluffy’s performance, as an example of popular entertainment, depicts women in accordance with patriarchal gender roles that view women as unintelligent and ignorant, thus strengthening the sexist view of women in the minds of his audience.
