Document Type : Original Article


1 L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan

2 Ege University, Turkey


This article defines the linguistic analysis of social network communication in the Kazakh language. Based on the materials of Kazakh-language social network speech, the article defines the linguistic characteristics of social network language. At the same time, language levels (phonetics, vocabulary, morphology, and syntax) and social network communication characteristics are examined. The language of social networks is used to gather materials, which are then examined using structural-functional, comparison, and description methods. The authors identify the linguistic characteristics of social networks language through the analysis of linguistic materials. These characteristics include unmotivated multilingualism, colloquialization, expressiveness, polycode, vulgarity, and cheapness of speech in network language. The identification of these social network linguistic elements reflects the article’s scholarly uniqueness. Additionally, it clarifies that virtual communication is quickly expanding into the third area in which the Kazakh language is used, expanding the notion that it only exists in two forms - oral and written.
