Document Type : Original Article


Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia


This study aims to classify the turn-taking types used by students and to assemble the students’ reasons for choosing silence in online classroom interaction. Using a case study design, we obtained the data from observations and interviews. The observation was conducted by using CLOUDX Meeting in EFL setting with 142 high school students. Meanwhile, the interview process was employed through WhatsApp free call with nine focused participants. The results revealed that students applied ‘taking over’ and ‘yielding the turn’ types. Specifically, in taking over, students did interrupting and overlapping. Another finding reported that the dominant reasons for participants preferring negative silence were categorized as psychological aspects which students undergo, such as language anxiety, unwillingness to communicate, and a lack of interest. Hence, it is necessary for EFL teachers to conduct teaching practice in more meaningful and interactive ways, such as using multimodal learning resources.
