Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Szeged, Hungary

2 Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia


This corpus-based study aimed to understand how the verb memberi was used in Indonesian light verb constructions (LVCs). The study examined a dataset of 150 LVCs memberi retrieved from the Indonesian – Leipzig Corpora Collection (ILCC). By analysing the distribution of LVCs under various grammatical conditions, the study used two instruments to measure the relationship between core noun and verb elements on the semantic spectrum of LVCs. The results indicated that the distribution of LVCs was spread over basic and advanced dimensions in the construction layout area and covered the areas of synonymous immensity and advanced semantic allotment. Additionally, the analysis revealed variations in the structural distribution of LVCs memberi based on the core noun’s morphological characteristics and accompanying verbs. This study also suggested that the meaning created by LVCs was not uniform but varied across a spectrum of interpretations based on the grammatical environment and the potential for forming new meanings from these elements.
